European Training Itinerary in Logistics

European Training Itinerary in Logistics

The partners of the European project DIGinLOGS, led by the Innovation Centre for Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA) have already completed the design and creation of the four training modules included in the digitalisation in logistics itinerary. After a testing period, which will be carried out in each of the participating countries, these resources will be implemented on the platforms selected by the partners.

Athens was the city where the 2nd transnational meeting of the DIGinLOGS project took place. In this meeting, they have analysed the training content carried out by each partner – in the case of Spain, Inycom and CIFPA – and the next meetings linked to the national project have been prepared.

This training course, aimed at teachers and companies, has been designed so that it can be followed in an asynchronous online format. Before its public launch, each organization will choose a target group to test and evaluate the content. This activity will run until 30 November. Subsequently, the multiplier events and the closing event of the project will take place, the latter in the city of Zaragoza.

The European DIGinLOGS project is focused on digitalisation, education and training. In addition to CIFPA, the project has as partners the French entity AFT, the firm INYCOM (Spain) and Action Synergy (Greece).

The project is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.

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